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The Science of Curling

With the beginning of the club football season 2015-2016 just around the corner, I thought that some "football science" sharing, with the football freaks out there should be done.

What is curling?
For those who don't know, what "curling", "bending" or "curving" is. It is the art of putting spin on the ball, while kicking, so that it changes direction as it moves forward. Over the years, players such as Beckham have showcased their superiority in this art. The effect is similar to the swinging of a cricket ball, curving of a golf ball and the movement of a table tennis and a base ball.

Messi showin' off his skills

How it's done?
Curling is mostly done while taking free kicks, corners or making crosses i.e. when you have some time before striking. It is done by rolling the side of the boot on the football, as it is being kicked.

What does science say?
Well, the phenomenon behind curling is the "Magnus Effect". As the ball spins and travels forward, air on one side moves along with the direction of the ball spin  while the case is opposite on the other side, that is it moves against the direction of the ball spin.

Magnus Effect
This increases the air speed on one side and vice versa on the other. According to "Venturi's Relation",

So, the increased speed on one side creates a low pressure area and vice versa on the other. This difference in pressure, results in a force, named "The Magnus Force" and this force causes the ball to change direction as it moves forward.
And, the result is …

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